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Dr. Sauvageot talks about pterygium

Pterygium is the condition commonly known as surfer’s eye. It is an abnormal growth of tissue from the conjunctiva, which is the white part of the eye, into the cornea.

Because the cornea is transparent, what is seen is white tissue over the iris. In advanced stages as it invades the cornea, it can produce changes in vision.

 In early stages this disease has few symptoms, only episodes of redness or eye irritation, and in later stages it can alter vision.

 There is no direct source that causes this disease, however it is more prevalent in people who are exposed to ultraviolet radiation, for example people working outdoors, people who live in the tropics or working at sea.

Pterygium treatment is primarily surgical, but in early stages you can treat episodes of irritation with anti-inflammatory eye drops and artificial tears. When the pterygium is already more advanced, surgery is required to remove it.

To prevent pterygium it is very important to protect your eyes from solar radiation with high-qualitycertified sunglasses. We also recommend that you ask for advice to your ophthalmologist, who will indicate you the best action to take.

17 Feb 2016

Dr. Sauvageot talks about pterygium

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Barraquer Ophthalmology Center

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